How To Use StrykerJS With jest And TypeScript
Continuing the topic of frontend tests with jest, we’re taking a look at StrykerJS today. Stryker Mutator is one of the most popular tools for…

How To Configure Jest Tests on TeamCity
If you are using jest to write JavaScript/TypeScript tests like this one: and you’re looking for how to show their results in TeamCity as follows:…

Migrating JavaScript React App to TypeScript
In one of our biggest projects, we develop and maintain a React web application. Last year, we decided to migrate it to TypeScript. How did…

10 Things Pandemic Changed in Remote Work
18 months since the beginning of the global pandemic, remote work has changed significantly. Many companies switched from in-office to fully-remote work. Let’s see what…

How to Use JavaScript Component in React Component
We recently run into a problem of having to display a vanilla JavaScript component in a React component. This component exposes a static method to…

How To Replace npm Library With Your Own Implementation?
In one of our projects at Yumasoft we needed to replace npm library’s implementation with a custom one. This was needed because one of the…